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.Wednesday, May 28, 2008 ' 5:49 AM Y
Tmr I'm going 2 Malaysia le...finally. So I will be missing 2 lessons, tt is bio n phy. Nvm...tink I would be able 2 catch up. Besides tt, I would oso be missing rc training. So sori Joey...nid 2 ps u.

Haiii...2dae damm angry de lor. My sis brought 3 of her friends 2 my hse. They damm 没教养 de lor. Come my hse then tok so loud...eh pls lar I nid 2 study de lor...nt listen 2 all of u tok de lor. Wah I damm fed up wif them de lor. Ownself noe yr size how big...still wanna jump here n there. Hey...u all noe tt the earthquake in sichuan had already caused many problems...hope u all dun cause anymore problems in S'pore k??? Besides tt, I oso hate ppl who anyhow touch n open ppl's tings without permision. Yet, u these ppl still wanna take my tings n see. U noe it's very rude or nt de. If I take yr tings without permision, I tink u oso would be very angry rite??? Then why go take other ppl's tings n see??? Pls lar dun treat dis as yr hse n can be so 放肆 lor. It's nt rite way can...n by doing dis will only let ppl hate u more lor.

I really hope tt my friends r nt like these ppl, or else I won wanna be friends wif u guys. Tt's my character lor...so u all better dun act or behave like tt. Stephanie wanna tell u guys nt 2 behave like "monkeys" at other ppl's hse n I dun tink u all will. Cos the friends I make won be like tt de bah. So hope tt u all will prove me rite...k???

Anyway, I would be away 4 abt 3 days bah. Hope tt I could enjoy myself much at there...so do u all. Rmb while playing during yr June holidays...muz oso study har!!! Bye...dun miss me har....haha.


.Tuesday, May 27, 2008 ' 5:48 AM Y
2 days 2 Malaysia. Haiii...still gt alot of homewk nt completed yet. Muz chiong...so I can then enjoy the rest of my holiday. In order 2 finish my homewk before going 2 Malaysia, I nid 2 wake up around midnight time 2 do my homewk...very 可怜 hor...haha.

Haiii...aft seeing Da Dong's blog feel tt I oso hav the same feeling as him. Tt is missinig our deceased family members. I really missed my great-grandmother alot. My way back 2 Malaysia is actually 2 pray 2 my great-grandmother. I cried after reading Da Dong's blog...cos I knew tt I can no longer see or tok 2 my great-grandmother anymore. Before her death the previous yr was actually her birthday, my sis n I folded 100 swans 4 cos she was already very ill tt time n hope she could get well soon. However, before her birthday tt day, she passed away. It was oso the day I muz go back 2 S'pore. Before making my way back 2 S'pore, my sixth sense already told me she would be leaving us 2day. I asked my mother 2 let us stay 1 more day bt she refused as grandmother whom was wif us 2 Malaysia nid 2 go back home 2 take her medicine. It was then my great-grandmother was pronounced death.

I really missed her alot!!! How I wish I would be given 1 more chance 2 hug her once more before letting her disappear in my life. Dis year is the 1st yr she leaving us...I really missed her alot. When she was around, she would always ask us if we were hungry on our arrival 2 Malaysia n would actually ask her when we r coming 2 Malaysia agn. Bt nw I dun tink anyone would really care if we r hungry or nt. I could no longer chat wif her anymore n my heart juz feel abit 空虚. By the way, I would work hard 4 my studies so tt she can see my gd results n be happy. So Stephanie hope tt everyone would treat their loved ones very gd so as nt 2 regret when their loved ones were gone.

Anyway...i won cry in front of all of u de lar...i will be very 坚强 de. Stephanie 加油!加油!


.Sunday, May 25, 2008 ' 7:27 AM Y
5 days 2 Malysia....yeah!!! Stephanie is looking forward 2 going 2 Malaysia bt it was actually quite sad at the same time as our aim on going 2 Malaysia is 2 pray 4 the death of my great-grand mother. Anyway, ystd I went 2 Bugis 2 拍大头贴 wif my sister n mother. It was actually my 1st time taking it n it was quite fun...haha. However, it is actually quite expensive de lor. I was quite lucky tt day cos, when I anyhow go press a machine tt says ejecting of $, it really eject $1....haha. Though it's only juz a small amt. , bt is still tink tt it is already nt bad getting free $. In total we hav spent abt $21. I actually no nid pay any $ de lor, as it was sponsored by my mother n sister de lor. However, the 1st 2 pic paid by my sister were taken quite ugly, so she felt quite sad lor. Therefore, I helped her pay half of the bill lor....very 伟大 hor...haha. Too bad lar...juz like 2 自夸 lor...haha.

Haiii...as 4 2dae dunno wat happen lor...keep on quarelling wif my father. I also dunno why, whenever I saw him juz see him as a thorn in my flesh lor. I already tried 2 control my temper bt juz couldn't stop myself from wanting 2 say sth bad abt him. Maybe there is too much homewk 4 mi 2 complete within 5 days bah. Cos I want 2 study bio, A n E maths n phy as we would be having test on term 3 wk 1. I oso want 2 hav alot of rest duiring dis June holiday lor. I muz oso prepare myself 4 dis yr O level Chi....so as nt 2 be afraid or nervous when having my oral tested by a teacher whom I nt know. Haha... I noe i a bit gan chiong lar...bt anyway juz get gd marks then k le. Moreover, Stephanie juz wan 2 say an encouraging phrase 2 all those taking O level ppl...tt is 加油!加油!...n do all the best!!! Gd luck 4 all yr tests n dun be nervous.


.Friday, May 23, 2008 ' 7:46 AM Y

Homework..homework n homework!!! Our teachers like a bit mad le lor...keep on giving us homework n remedias as if we no nid time 2 rest during the June holidays like tt. How I wish I was still in nursery, I would then nid nt study nor care so much abt my results n can still play all day long. Haii...2dae nvr go rc then kenna detention. 1st time going 4 detention dunno how it is like....bt the teacher a bit funny lor...gt fever still muz go see doc 2 get mc. I at home already gt medicine 2 drink le mah...why still nid go see doc??? It is like a waste of money lor. However, the only ting I can say tt is juz tt I'm a bit unlucky lor. If I had nt been sick 2dae...then I no nid go detention le lor. Anyway, it's oso nt my fault nt 2 attend the training de lor. I oso wanna go training mah...cos 2dae is our 1st time conducting it n I dun wan 2 ps them lor. Haii...juz forget abt it lor...anyway tings tt happen can no longer rewind back 2 change the situation le mah.

Reach home le...then juz slack lor. Aft tt do bio till damm sian lor n then still keep on thinking abt going detention on term 3 wk1. It's nt tt I'm afraid or wat..is juz tt I nid 2 waste 3hrs there!!! Anyway, I was like somehow feel tt dis big "rock" inside my heart cleared off when I switched on the television n saw Da Dong on the show 娱乐百分百. Da Dong damm cute n swai de lor...haha. So, whenever I gt anyting unhappy or wat...juz watch 娱乐百分百 or my 偶像 then k le.

Tmr muz wake up a bit early cos muz go take passport. Then later maybe go Bugis there shop a while bah. If gt time then maybe go cut my hair lor. Haii...翻滚吧!蛋炒饭 still have nt com out the new ep yet....damm wanna watch nw de lor. I oso hope tt 篮球火 n 霹靂MIT can quickly show lor. Bt I tink muz wait til 翻滚吧!蛋炒饭 finish le then can watch bah. Haii...uz wait so long lor. Anyway, I tink it's wortwhile waiting 4 good shows...haha. Rmb 2 support Da Dong's new show...翻滚吧!蛋炒饭. Very nice de lor...haha.


.Tuesday, May 20, 2008 ' 9:36 AM Y
It was quite a happy day 4 Stephanie...haha. We were able 2 make own very own PET rocket and 2 launch it by ourselves in groups of 3. It was actually quite fun n interesting as it was my 1st time doing it n nt everyone has the chance 2 do it lor. However, I was like nt so happy as I was doing it wif someone I dun like lor...haiii. It's like all tks 2 Mui Shan lor...cos all these tings is she say 1 de lor n it really come true leh. Though a little bit angry wif her...haha juz kidding de lar,bt I still feel like awkard without her in sch 2dae. That was mainly because she nid 2 attend a course held at TJC 4 three days...haii.

Tmr stil gt PTM lor...haii. I was like damm ashamed 2 show my report bk 2 my parents lor. I tink tt they would be quite disappointed wif my overall performance de lor. Bt no choice lor...stil nid 2 face the fact tt I'm lousy in my resukts. I was oso like damm stree de lor. That is mainly because whenever I saw my neighbours, they would ask me 4 my results de lor n I always say I did nt score well, bt they like dun believe me at all lor. They kept on saying is I give myself too high expectations de lor. They oso say they hav a lot of faith in me in scoring well 4 my nxt yr O level de, making me feel so stress lor...cos I dun 1 them 2 be dissapointed if I did nt score well...haii. How I wish someone can help me pull my results 2 become the best..bt I tink tt is quite impossible de lar. No matter wat, Stephanie would want everyone 2 work hard 4 yr studies in the nxt semester n 2 pass wif flying colors hor..haha. Stephanie would oso like 2 share wif all of u a song by 飞轮海 in the show 翻滚吧!蛋炒饭 2 help u all release some stress..haha.

翻滚吧!蛋炒饭 - 恒星


. ' 8:28 AM Y
2 dae is actually not a very happy day 4 Stephanie. All of us were given quite a thick sheet of paper 2 share among ourselves 2 check our results. I was very upset after knowing my overall performance. I failed physics!!!! This makes me feel damm upset as it is my 1st time failing my overall performance in physics!!! Haiii...no choice but 2 face the fact lor. So, Stephanie here would want 2 tell everyone 2 work hard and 2 prepare enough before taking the test, but not 2 do last minute work, It's actually not of a help 2 you at all. Anyway, I will not cry de lah....but 2 work harder nxt time lor....haha. That is mainly because I'm Stephanie mah.....haha. Anyway, I was feeling a bit happy as Mui Shan treat me some potato chips and biscuits. Haha...damm nice 2 eat de lor. The food like somehow make my life feel better bah....haha. No matter wat is still a big tks 2 Mui Shan 4 her food.

Besides that, I actually felt quite pity and upset 4 the number of deaths that had occured in sichuan. Stephanie would like 2 appeal 2 everyone who are rich 2 donate money 2 help the ppl there, while those who do not have much money 2 donate, can help them pray 2 ensure that the spirits rest in peace. I would also hope that this type of disaster would nt happen agn, taking so many ppl's lives away and making those survivals lost their loved ones, is indeed a very cruel thing. Therefore, Stephanie here would oso wan everyone 2 treasure your loves ones and nt regret when u hav lost them!!!


.Monday, May 19, 2008 ' 8:40 AM Y
Hey everybody....how's life 2dae??? I'm feeling actually quite happy as I gonna complete watching KO One. Stephanie thinks that the show is not bad...haha. So if you have the time...pls go and watch hor. Anyway, 2dae is actually quite a fun day 4 mi lar.....cos I'm able 2 play wif my cousins. They are very cute de lor.....haha juz love 2 play wif cute, little kids. This is oso mainly because almosr all my cousins like 2 find me 2 play wif them bah. Another good thing 2 share wif all of you is that out of my three cousins who went 4 a competition, Xin Yi, a female cousin won the 2nd prize 4 dancing. I feel very proud n happy 4 her de lor. So congrats 2 her 4 being able 2 get a 2nd position. Anyway, Stephanie here would want 2 wish everyone 2 hav a happy public holiday!!! Haha.....


.Saturday, May 17, 2008 ' 9:02 AM Y
2dae is a new day 4 everyone....hope tt everyone could hav a nice day ahead everyday!!! Stephanie here would like to tkx lynn and heather 4 their help in making mi blog a nicer 1. Thank u....ai si ni men le. haha...bt dun tink too much lah....Juz a very big tks 2 the both of u. I'm going 2 post as many posts as possible...haha. So rmb 2 visit mi blog as many times as possible har....or else i would be very upset de n 2 post yr comments har. haha...2dae Stephanie damm happy de lor. Watching Da Dong acting is always mi fav...so ppl who like da dong muz continue 2 support Da Dong har!!! N rmb 2 watch 翻滚吧! 蛋炒饭 every monday at youtube hor.


. ' 2:25 AM Y
Hey hey.....dis is mi 1st time blogging in mi new blog...haha. Stephanie here is very happy to have actually created a new account and can start blogging. Hope to have as many as ppl as possible to start writing commments abt the things i had blogged. Stephanie here is very willling to listen to ppl's thoughts and feelings...haha. So pls feel free to write your comments. I really hope that the comments in mi blog would reach hundreds.....haha....very greedy hor. Juz to say its very cool to be able to see everybodys comments.....and yeah......horray to mi new blog!!!!!!


That GirlY


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That GirlY

My name is Stephanie, sweet 15 yrs old. God brought me to this prefect world on 20 sep 1993. Currently studying in Pasir Ris Sec Sch.Proud to be someone I want to be!:)

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have more good friends
get good results
to try to have more trust in ppl
be more happy
to be like by others


♥♥♥♥♥♥ Luo Zhi Xiang x33
♥♥♥♥♥ Hot Shot x33
♥♥♥♥ Gui Gui x33
♥♥♥ Family x33
♥♥ L0llipop x33
Friends x33


Arrogant ppl
Ppl who judges my life
Ppl who likes to make use of me
Ppl who don't trust me at all



Xiao Zhu

Da Dong







Mui Shan


Poh Geok



Bao Yan

May 2008
June 2008
July 2008
August 2008
September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
February 2009
May 2009


纪念品 - 黑 Girl

Pictures: photobucket
Cursors: dorischu