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.Sunday, September 21, 2008 ' 5:18 PM Y

My motive 2 go 2 Bugis is 2 buy a new bag...haha. Then go 2 seafood harvest n hav lunch...hehe. Lol...go there zilian a bit n take few pic. Anyway, the food there is quite nice. So ppl, if u hav the time, u can go n eat loh...haha.

Dis is the veggie soup...quite nice de loh. I like the way it is displayed....haha.

Nice n yummy piece of cake...haha.

Hehe..i'm enjoying the cake...lol.


.Monday, September 15, 2008 ' 10:04 PM Y
2dae was really quite of an unlucky day 4 me as my grp of classmates n I were studying in the classrm without realising tt it is already time 4 us 2 assemble in the ISH. Thus, the whole grp of us had 2 attend detention. Besides tt, we had sch till 3pm n i tink i would nt be able 2 reach home early at all. Haii...tt makes me no time 2 play com n msn. Bt it is stil nt bad as most of my friends r attending detention wif me, lol.

When it's time 4 me 2 see a chinese doc, I met a woman whom tok abt how bad her daughter is. Tt really made me pity the woman as she had brought her daughter up 4 yrs n she scolded her mother. As u noe, mother would always care 4 their children bt nt do tings tt harm them. However, tt child only cared abt her bf n friends. She would only seek or tok 2 her mum whenever she nids her. If she found tt there isn;t a nid 2 ask her mum 4 sth, she would normally ignore her mum n juz use the com. I tink tt does nt be the rite ting. Parents n children shuld develop great relationship between one another, but only noe how 2 make use of each other when they found a nid.

As 4 all, I really pitied tt woman n I promised tt I would nt treat my parents in tt manner. I tot tt they were the ones who brought us up or else it would be impossible 4 us 2 survive in dis world by ourselves. It was they the ones, whom brought us 2 the world n helped us out whenever we had prob. Thus, we shuld treat them better bt nt make use of them when u find the nid.


.Friday, September 5, 2008 ' 12:20 PM Y

Does status really meant a lot 2 u? I sometimes really qn myself regarding dis qn. I really dunno why ppl wan 2 fight over status n cause unhappiness among one another. Is tt all u wan 2 see? I really hope tt all of us can return 2 the times when we r in sec 2s when we play n joke with one another. The times when we make a fool out of ourselves. I really enjoy those days when we had no conflicts n hatred with one another. The time when all of us seem 2 be innocent ppl, always there 2 help one another

But all gd tings will come 2 an end. Everything changes… All of us cnt play n tok 2 each other in a nicer way n I dunno if I shuld trust u anymore. It seems as though I nid 2 tink twice b4 wanting 2 tel u my secrets. I believe in u bt y did u wan 2 say out my secret 2 other ppl? It really aches my heart when I realized I had believed in someone whom I shuld nt trust at all. I’m one who wanted ppl 2 trust me n 2 help me keep my secrets. I began 2 feel tt the dist. 4 our friendship becomes farther n farther, till I cnt reach u anymore. Sometimes I really tot tt we r strangers n I dunno who u r. I began 2 feel tt u did nt really treat me as yr friend b4. As a friend, u shuld always treat me in a better way n nt juz come 2 me when u hav no friend 2 accompany u. It’s like when u had found yr friends, u would shoo me away. Dis really upset me. In rc, u would always act as though u own the whole world. I can admit tt my footdrills is really very lousy, bt do u nid 2 say til I’m like so useless? Do u ever stand in other ppl’s shoe, tinking of whether u would hurt their heart? I guessed u didn’t or maybe nvr.

I really dunno how 2 tok 2 u now. When u had prob wif yr math, I would nt laugh at u bt rather help u. Bt when I had prob wif my math, u juz laugh at me n dun wan 2 help me. Is dis how u shuld treat a friend? I really hate u at times or maybe begin 2 hate u more n more each time. I really dunno how 2 treat u? I really feel like asking u 2 shoo away n get out of my sight. Bt I dun wan dis 2 happen at all. I’m really controlling myself nt 2 say out all the unhappiness I had in u.

At times I really qn myself, is it bcoz I’m too sensitive or emotional abt the change in u towards me. I’m one who really treasure friendship n esp. when I had already regard u as my true friend. All I can say is tt I dunno status can win friendship. Now u r the vice chairman while I’m of the lowest rank. N due 2 tt, u began 2 look down on me n sometimes tot tt I’m one whom u dun even wan 2 notice. I really dunno if tt’s wat u meant by friendship? I’m getting tired of wanting 2 maintain a gd friendship wif u, since u dun even treasure it. I really dunno how 2 express my feeling 2wards u. All I can say abt u is tt u really change alot into someone I dunno n tt I hated u!!


That GirlY


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That GirlY

My name is Stephanie, sweet 15 yrs old. God brought me to this prefect world on 20 sep 1993. Currently studying in Pasir Ris Sec Sch.Proud to be someone I want to be!:)

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to try to have more trust in ppl
be more happy
to be like by others


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Arrogant ppl
Ppl who judges my life
Ppl who likes to make use of me
Ppl who don't trust me at all



Xiao Zhu

Da Dong







Mui Shan


Poh Geok



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纪念品 - 黑 Girl

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Cursors: dorischu