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.Monday, May 18, 2009 ' 4:29 AM Y
原本今天还挺是个快乐的一天, 但不知为何我会因些芝麻绿豆的小事, 而影响了我今天的情绪? 也许是因为我天真的把每件事都想得太完美, 而不曾去想过事情不妙的纯在吧. 我总以为只要你真心对些人, 他们就一定不会将你抛到远边, 而也会一你为中心. 可我错了, 因为在这个现时社会中, 无人会为了你而活着的. 除此之外, 人人也都不会为你而放弃某些东西. 难到就代表着我门就不该为了任何人而傻傻地牺牲吗? 有时我正在想我究竟是否跟对了某些人...

总而言之, 我决定了只要有人真心与我为友, 我就为了他或她而付出真心. 因为我不想在被残酷的现时而难过...


.Thursday, February 19, 2009 ' 1:16 AM Y
Lol...juz realised tt I've abandoned my blog 4 mths? Anyway I'm bac 2 blogging abt my tots on these few days.

Appareantly it's sth bad tt had happened 2 me...haii. I've tried vry hard 2 remain cheerful in front of my frens, though I had failed many of my subjects n dun u noe tt it's vry hard 2 always remain cheerful even when sth unpleasant had happened 2 u? N can u all pls c ppl mood b4 wanting 2 joke or nt...n I would like 2 make it clear tt I dun like tt guy in our sch lor. Cos he's nt my cup of tea...so can u all pls dun be soo childish 2 always say tt or nt. Maybe by saying it once or twice...I may entertain u all...bt keeping on repeating the same ting really sounds annoying. N I'm really sry 4 nt having the mood 2 joke wif u all. Haii.

Haii...besides tt I oso felt rather sad abt the results tt I've gotten. Though I knew tt I had nt put in much effort in my CA, bt I did nt expect 2 fail 4 subjects at 1 go. It's like so embarrassing 2 fail soo many subjects while others pass wif flying colors. Besides tt...one guy asked me a qn which make me ponder 4 days...tt is "dun u noe tt getting an A is actually nt difficult at all?" N yea...when i was in sec 1 or 2...getting 70 marks 4 me is indeed nt difficult at all...bt nw I tot tt it was rather hard n it's no longer easy anymore 4 me as I had been slacking soo long. I could nt blame any1 for making me get poor results...bt actually myself 2 be blamed as I had nt cared or studied hard 4 my tests.

Besides tt...my family members had pinned alot if hope on me n getting gd results. Bt I've failed 2 achieve wat they wanted. My mummy told me tt I'm like a type of useless ppl n I had no future. She tot tt i would be selling all those dim sum or watever food in a restaurant as a waitress wif low pay...n I would be some1 of rather low class 2 be seving my younger cousins when they grew up. It seems like they r the superior ones n I'm the inferior type. N yea...my grandfather on the other hand said tt it would be a shame if u as the eldest among the cousins could nt set a gd eg 4 yr them by getting gd results n when they grew up...they r much cleverer than u n they might even look down on u. Upon hearing...it really make my heart cries...bt I had 2 ctrl my own emotions n acted as if I dun care at all. It was really sth tt hurts my heart when I heard tt...n yea I still had 2 keep it in my heart n nt let them noe how sad I was 2 hear such comments. N I've found out tt 2 them I was a complete failure...n I'm some1 they would nt pin hopes on anymore. I'm actually = failure + useless. Tt's wat i could say abt myself n I'm juz w8 4 days 2 pass quickly n tt all unhappy tings n critism by classmate could vanish faster. All I could do was 2 try nt 2 care abt wat they say n sometimes I really felt numb abt my resullts n the way ppl look down on me upon my results...haii.


.Sunday, December 28, 2008 ' 3:15 PM Y
Went shopping wif joey, fz n pg on fri at AMK hub...haha. I went there 2 shop 4 shorts, while fz was there 4 clothes. Bt in fact none of us had seen any ting tt suits us...so we juz went 2 arcade 2 play basketball. Lol, i had a mit up wif someone bt didn't even realise tt the person is actually juz standing behind looking at us play. Haii...it's like damm ps de lor+the way i throw the basketball is in the wrong manner and my score was so damm lousy. Haha...anyway juz 4get abt the ps part bah n gt the present frm him. N then went bac home wif my frens, leaving him 2 take taxi bac home. Lol. Btw, I would oso like 2 tkx Joey n Pg 4 their present too n they all 4 acc me 2 go Amk hub. Haha.


.Tuesday, November 4, 2008 ' 12:34 AM Y
2moro is my big day le loh...haha. Tt is...my O lvl chinese. Lol, really wish tt I can score wif flying colours. Haha. Anyway gt 2 chiong studying chinese, or else I tink my A grade confirm will fly away de lor. So yea, gonna buck up and go get an A back, or else I would be kicked back 2 xpress chinese agn. Erm, tt may seems a bit paiseh. Haha. Bt yea, no offence 2 ppl studying xpress chinese.

Lol, juz come bac home then on9. Erm...then somehow crap wif joey n fz. Haha...suddenly felt tt they 2 became lamers. Lol, no offence arh. Bt anyway nxt time dun crap too much when u invite a third party 2 our conver, cos it really makes me damm ps. Anyway, I really have no feelings 4 tt guy, so dun tink too ,much. All I have been tinking now is my tests n the loads of science prac 4 me 2 complete it. The chem prac was utterly boring n I hate it. Juz do some pouring of acids n alkalis here n there n I was like confused due 2 these 2 chemicals. Btw, tt bottle of sulphuric acid really itch my hand, so I tink i muz be careful of acid so as nt 2 make my hands itchy. Haha. Juz hope tt dis chem prac would nt be a failure agn.


.Friday, October 31, 2008 ' 4:41 PM Y
2 dae as ususal, I've 4gotten 2 do my hw agn. Lol, maybe it's my memory deteriorating. Anyway, it was lucky tt my bio teacher did nt care if I'm doing my other sch wk n copying down his notes at the same time. Besides tt, I did nt complete my chinese n tt rather strict teacher did nt check our wk. Or else ppl would be seeing someone standing outside the classrm. Haha.

Anyway, I've found tt persuading someone 2 let me do sth I want is nt rather easy, haha. So, I really wish tt I would be able 2 go n watch movie wif my friends -- The coffin. Haha, it's my 1st time watching horror movie in a cinema. Really wonder how it would be like, lol. Afterall, I tink it would be gd cos I have 2 of my gd friends going tgt wif me. They r pg n joey, lol. Erm...sori if I've 4gotten yr name, cos I'm nt sure who's goin n it's nt me who asked them out...haha. So my job is rather easy, tt is juz go n watch wif all these wonderful ppl. Lol, so gd of me har 2 praise u all wonderful. Lol.


.Thursday, October 30, 2008 ' 12:09 AM Y
Ystd physics practical was a total failure...haiii. I was practically making all sorts of mistake, though I had done the prac b4 successfully. I really wonder y I've made so much mistakes ystd. I apparently copied answers frm my friend n tt shuld nt be sth I ought 2 do 4 my prac. I was like gonna have my prac exam soon, n yet I did nt even do it properly. Pretty upset abt the failure in completing my phy prac.

Anyway, 2dae was nt goin 2 be a sclacking day aft I reached home. Cos I nid 2 learn my amath well n do the amath hw. Haha, juz in case teacher call me 2 answer it agn. Really wish tt someone could me there 2 accompany me n teach me how 2 slove all those qns. Lol, I noe tt's very dependent of me 2 rely on others.

Btw...I'm really on the mood 2 go on holiday soon. Haha. If I'm nt wrong I tink I would be away from 15nov to 18nov, which is like 4 days. Wow, finally can go somewhere 2 relax myself n play all I want. Lol, ppl dun miss ben xiao jie hor. Haha, jkjk. Anyway really hope 2 be able 2 go shopping wif my friends b4 I go on holi...juz hope tt it will come true. Lol.


.Saturday, October 4, 2008 ' 10:50 AM Y
Wow, I've finally find some time 2 update my bloggy!!! Haha, actually nt really bcoz i'm really very busy, bt rather stuck at home playing com n chatting thru msn. All I can say is tt I've been slacking throughout dis sec 3. I have nt been really studying 4 almost dis whole yr. No matter how my friends push me or taunt me 2 study, it juz dun wk. I really feel very sorry 4 them, cos I knew tt i've failed their expectation 4 me. I'm really sori. Bt i dun noe y, I juz couldn't get myself 2 study n juz tot tt I would like 2 pass my exams n tt's ok already. Tt was nt wat I shuld hav tot in a few yrs back. I would have been rushing n wking hard 4 my exams, so as always 2 be the 1st or top 3 in class. However, my motivation 2 study seemed 2 have been lost since I was sec3.

Haiii...really felt sori 4 ppl who had high expectations of me getting high marks. Bt I promise u all I will do my very best 4 my nxt yr exams. I really promise all of u tt. No more playing of com almost every minute. I will buck up n classmates, I gonna trash u all down. Pls be careful!!! Lol, jk only. Bt really, I will try my very best 2 trash all of u n get back my high scores. Though it would be rather difficult, bt I will try my very best n do all sorts of revision 2 get back my results. I will never ever slack nxt yr, cos it's 'O' level. Tt is a yr which mark my success 2 everything n I dun wan 2 displease my fellow friends n parents anymore. Cos they r the most impt. ppl in my life, so I will nt wan 2 dissapoint them anymore...haha. Though I'm funny n joke almost every time, bt I really made the promise tt I will study hard 4 nxt yr n get gd results. It's a promise tt I would surely fullfill it by myself. Anyway, friends who wan 2 help me out 4 studying, yea n pls...haha. Bt if u ask me 2 go 4 shopping too much, I will smack yr face. Lol, juz kidding only. I like goin out wif u guys, cos u all really make me felt happy n relax. They r of cos ppl frm acad, a bunch of jokers. Haha.

Anyway, really gd 2 have such friends...hehe. N yea, ppl frm imvu. Some of them r oso my gd friends n we practically chat wif each other almost everyday. Hope tt our friendship will nvr end n hope tt my friends, pls bring up yr courage 2 pursue the gals u like...haha. All the best 2 all of u in yr luv relationship. Lol.


That GirlY


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That GirlY

My name is Stephanie, sweet 15 yrs old. God brought me to this prefect world on 20 sep 1993. Currently studying in Pasir Ris Sec Sch.Proud to be someone I want to be!:)

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get good results
to try to have more trust in ppl
be more happy
to be like by others


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♥♥♥♥♥ Hot Shot x33
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Friends x33


Arrogant ppl
Ppl who judges my life
Ppl who likes to make use of me
Ppl who don't trust me at all



Xiao Zhu

Da Dong







Mui Shan


Poh Geok



Bao Yan

May 2008
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September 2008
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November 2008
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February 2009
May 2009


纪念品 - 黑 Girl

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Cursors: dorischu